WORKSHOP: Voter-Centric Perspectives on Electoral Democracy

Leiden, July 9-10, 2020


The REDEM Workshop on Voter-Centric Perspectives on Electoral Democracy has examined various morally salient dimensions of elections in general and of voting in particular. The presentations by 15 prominent senior and junior scholars from 10 different countries were grounded in a wide variety of normative and empirical disciplines - political theory and philosophy, political science, media studies, science and technology studies, to name just a few - and have examined a broad collection of national and sub-national electoral cases. The panels have covered the constitutive stages of the electoral process and have examined topics such as franchise allocation, the determination of electoral constituencies, the normative logic of voting systems, the electors’ reasoning before and after the act of voting, political parties’ accountability towards voters, and, last, but not least, the scientific as well as the media communication of electoral information. The panel presentations and discussions have also examined morally fraught decisions and dilemmas faced by voters in various countries and contexts.


DAY 1: Thursday, July 9, 2020

DAY 2: Friday, July 10, 2020

Session 1

Workshop Opening


Annabelle Lever - Sciences Po/CEVIPOF (Project Coordinator)
Welcome address

Andrei Poama - University of Leiden (Workshop Chair)

Who Gets to Vote: The Norms and Facts of
    Franchise Allocation

10:15-11:45 PANEL
Panel Chair: Eva Erman - University of Stockholm

Marcus Häggrot - Goethe University, Frankfurt a.M.
The Value(s) of Residence-based Representation: A Pluralist Account

Attila Mráz - Harvard University
Mental Disability and Voting Assistance

Panel Discussion

Session 5

The Ethics of Electoral Accountability: Voters and

09:00-10:30 PANEL
Panel Chair: José Luis Martí - Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona

Alice el-Wakil - University of Zurich
Referendums and Voters’ Accountability

Chiara Destri - Sciences Po
Saving Parties from Money

Panel Discussion

10:30-10:40 BREAK

Keynote Address

10:40-12:10 INVITED TALK
Chair: Andrei Poama - University of Leiden

Sarah Birch - King's College, London
Private Electoral Finance and Normative Principles of Democracy


Session 2

The Ethics of Electoral Design: Voting Systems and
    Ballot Design

13:00-14:30 PANEL
Panel Chair: Alexandru Volacu - University of Bucharest

Adrian Blau - King's College, London
First-Past-the-Post and Fairness as Equity

Pierre-Étienne Vandamme - Université Libre de Bruxelles
Voting Ethics and the Norms of Electoral Design

Panel Discussion

Session 6

The Ethics of Electoral Technologies

13:00-15:15 PANEL
Panel Chair: Bram Klievink - University of Leiden

Andreas Albertsen - Aarhus University
Voting Applications

Cristina Voinea - University of Economic Studies, Bucharest
The Ethics of Online Political Micro-targeting

Laurenţiu Gheorghe - University of Bucharest
Privacy, Electoral Integrity and Postal Voting

Panel Discussion

Session 3

Voters’ Reasons Reconstructed

14:45-17:00 PANEL
Panel Chair: Valeria Ottonelli - University of Genoa

Élise Rouméas - Sciences Po
Voting for the Second Best

Alexander Prescott-Couch - Oxford University
Inchoate Electoral Expression and the Division of Interpretive Labour

Emilee Chapman - Stanford University
There is a Duty to Vote: Grounds for the “Folk Theory of Voting Ethics”

Panel Discussion

Session 7

The Ethics of Electoral Communication (2): Political
    Scientists and Pollsters

15:30-16:15 PANEL
Panel Chair: Annabelle Lever - Sciences Po/CEVIPOF

Dimiter Toshkov - Leiden University
The Ethics of Polling and Scientific Communication of Electoral Polls

Panel Discussion

General Concluding Discussions


Session 4

The Ethics of Electoral Communication (1): The Media

17:15-18:00 PANEL
Panel Chair: Emanuela Ceva - University of Geneva

Anita Varma - Santa Clara University, USA
Polling News Coverage and Voting Behaviour

Panel Discussion